Our Ocean 2019 program concept

Our Ocean 2019 is being held at a pivotal moment in history when the level of threat facing the ocean and the need for action are being spotlighted like never before. With a determination to forge new partnerships and increase momentum, the event will highlight the importance of knowledge as the basis for our actions and policies to ensure protection of our ocean, responsible management of marine resources and sustainable future economic growth.

Our future depends on a clean and healthy ocean. Safeguarding the ocean for future generations is a shared responsibility and a matter of global urgency.

The conference will bring together leaders from governments, businesses, civil society and research institutions to share their experience, identify solutions and commit to action for clean, healthy and productive ocean.

Mission: The conference will build partnerships between government, industry, science and civil society, putting knowledge, technology and finance into action to meet the challenges facing the ocean and enable protection and sustainable use to go hand in hand so that the ocean can continue to provide for the needs of future generations.

Vision: A conference to learn, share and act for a clean, healthy and productive ocean.

23 October , 09.00 – 17.00

Please note that plenary doors will close 08.45



Ine Eriksen Søreide

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway

HE Erna Solberg

Prime Minister, Norway

Call for action: Penelope Lea

Head of the Children`s Climate Panel, Eco-agents Norway

Moderator: Susannah Streeter

Anchor for World Business Report on BBC World Service and BBC World TV


Opening Panel: The global response to the threats facing the ocean

Augusto Santos Silva

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Portugal

Karmenu Vella

EU Commissioner, Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Peter Thomson

Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean, United Nations

HE Erna Solberg

Prime Minister, Norway



Family photo: Ministers


Facing the challenges Part I: Taking action on climate change

Marine and coastal areas
are threatened by the growing climate crisis. The risk to the marine environment, our communities and economies depend on how much we manage to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and how we prepare for and adapt to a warmer climate. Enhanced protection for «blue carbon» ecosystems offers opportunities for both mitigation and coastal resilience while the potential for renewable ocean energy and sub-seabed carbon storage is considerable. Deep cuts in GHG emissions from ocean activities are needed.

Scene-setter: Hans-Otto Pörtner

Professor, Marine Biology/Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology, Alfred-Wegener-Institute. IPCC Co-Chair, Working Group II.

Keynote: HE Macky Sall

President, Senegal

Keynote: Fiame Naomi Mataafa

Deputy Prime Minister, Samoa

Panelist: Aziz Akhannouch

Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Marocco

Panelist: Seong-Hyeok Moon

Minister of Ocean and Fisheries, Republic of South Korea

Panelist: Yldiz Pollack-Beighle

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Suriname

Panelist: Sergey Khruschev

Director of the Department for State Policy and Regulation of Hydrometeorology, the study of the Arctic, Antarctic and the World Ocean. Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Panelist: Naoko Ishii

CEO Global Environment Facility

Panelist: Sam Teicher

Founder and Chief Reef Officer Coral Vita

Panelist: Remi Eriksen

Group President and CEO, DNV GL

Panelist: Lasse Kristoffersen

President Norwegian Shipowners Association

Panelist: Annette Detken

Head of InsuResilience Solutions Fund Management, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management GmbH



Meet the Innovators – talks in mingling area
See program


Facing the challenges Part II: Taking action on ocean pollution

Marine litter is among the fastest growing environmental concerns. The world has agreed on a long-term goal of eliminating all discharges of plastics into the ocean, but forecasts suggest that the problem is escalating rapidly. We urgently need better measures for preventing and managing plastic waste, strengthened capacity-building and a new global framework to prevent marine litter. Under sustainable development goal 14.1 the international community has committed itself to preventing and significantly reducing marine pollution of all kinds by 2025, particularly from land based activities. In addition to marine litter, land based activities also include runoff of nutrients and other pollutants from onshore industry, agriculture and waste-water treatment.

Scene-setter: Chelsea Rochman

Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto

Keynote: Isabella Lövin

Minister for Climate and Environment, Deputy Prime Minister, Sweden

Keynote: Simon Stiell

Minister for Climate Resilience and the Environment, Grenada

Panelist: Brune Poirson

Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, France

Panelist: Simon Lowden

Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo

Panelist: Tim Grabiel

Environmental Investigation Agency

Panelist: Wilhelm Myrer

Founder & CEO, Empower

Call for action: Joi Danielson

Program Director, Ocean Plastics Asia, SystemIQ

Call for action: Jacob Duer

President and CEO Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Panelist: Tony Ribbink

Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Seas Trust

Panelist: Veronique Cremades-Mathis

Global Head of Sustainable Packaging, Nestlé

Panelist: Tom Dillon

Vice President and Head of Environment, Pew Charitable Trusts

Panelist: Wang Juying

Director General, National Marine Environment Monitoring Center, China




Facing the challenges Part III: Taking action on overfishing and challenges in fisheries governance

Poor governance leaves the fisheries sector open to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and harmful fisheries subsidies. This undermines sustainable fisheries management and coastal communities that depend on fisheries for food and livelihoods. Transnational organized crime in the global fishing industry is also a threat to a healthy ocean economy. Concerted and immediate action is needed to ensure robust fisheries management, increased transparency and enforcement, and sustainable fishing practices. This requires political will as well as significant investments in expertise and capacity building – human as well as institutional.

Scene-setter: Gabriella Bianchi

Research coordinator, The EAF-Nansen Programme, Institute of Marine Research

Keynote: Qu Dongyu

Director General, FAO

Keynote: Bernhard Esau

Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia

Panelist: Harald Tom Nesvik

Minister of Fisheries and Seafood

Panelist: Keith Krach

Under Secretary of State, United States

Panelist: Reagan Aliklik

Minister for RONPHOS and the Nauru Rehabilitation Corporation, Nauru

Panelist: Martin Exel

Managing Director, SeaBOS

Panelist: Steve Trent

Executive Director, Environmental Justice Foundation

Panelist: Despina Symons Pirovolidou

Director of the European Bureau for Conservation & Development

Call for action: Wayne McCook

Senior Advisor to the Director-General, World Trade Organization

Closing statement: Gerd Müller

Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany


Reception for all official delegates

Venue: Vippa, Akershusstranda 25, 0150 Oslo

Ine Eriksen Søreide

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway

Ola Elvestuen

Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway

24 October , 09.00 – 17.00

Please note that plenary doors will close 08.45



H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway


Food and livelihoods from the ocean

People, communities and nations depend on the ocean for their physical and economic well-being. A healthy ocean is necessary for global food security and will generate higher sustained value creation and help significantly to meet some of humanity’s most urgent needs.

The ocean contributes to global food security as a provider of foods with essential nutrients, as well as incomes and livelihoods. How can we ensure access to sufficient, safe and nutritious foods from the ocean that meet dietary needs and food preferences for a growing population? How do we build a food value chain that can deliver from a healthy ocean to healthy people?

Scene-setter: Manuel Barange

Director of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division

Keynote: Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan

Minister of Environment, Maldives

Panelist: Aupito William Sio

Minister for Pacific Peoples, New Zealand

Panelist: Dr. Shakuntala Thilsted

Research Program Leader for Value Chains and Nutrition, WorldFish

Panelist: Sebastian Mathew

Executive Director, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Panelist: Erlend Sødal

Operations Director, Skretting Group

Panelist: Rupert Howes

CEO, Marine Stewardship Council

Statement: Patricia E. Harris

CEO Bloomberg Philanthropies

Call for action: Alexandra Cousteau

Explorer, Storyteller, Ocean Advocate and Senior Advisor to Oceana




Building a sustainable ocean economy

The ocean economy drives prosperity and job creation. Sustainable growth depends on a healthy ocean. Knowledge and technology put into action through partnerships between governments, science and industry will create opportunities for sustainable use of the ocean in the years to come. Governments must put in place frameworks that allow different industries to coexist, while safeguarding the marine environment.

Scene-setter: Lise Kingo

CEO and Excecutive Director, UN Global Compact

Keynote: HE Tommy Remengesau Jr.

President of Palau and co-chair of the High Level Panel on Sustainable Ocean Economy

Panelist: Agostinho Salvador Mondlane

Minister of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries, Mozambique

Panelist: Bjørn Otto Sverdrup

Senior Vice President Sustainability Equinor

Panelist: Elisabeth Grieg

Chair Grieg Maturitas

Panelist: Prof. Jane Lubchenco

Co-chair HLP Expert Group

Panelist: Janis Searles Jones

CEO Ocean Conservancy

Panelist: Gerard Barron

Founder and CEO, DeepGreen

Panelist: Ingrid van Wees

Vice President, Asian Development Bank

Panelist: Emma Navarro

Vice-President, European Investment Bank



Meet the Innovators – talks in mingling area
See program


Promoting and protecting a healthy ocean

Our ocean is under threat from climate change, overfishing, marine pollution and plastic litter, and not least expansion of human activity in the coastal zone. In a time of rapid change, we must find the best way to safeguard the ocean environment while providing for human needs.  We depend on a healthy ocean for our lives and livelihoods and the ocean depends on humankind to act as good stewards to safeguard its future. The ocean and its ecosystem are resilient if given a chance, but that requires political will, effective management measures based on sound science as well as the management tools and enforcement capacity needed for adaptation and marine protection.

Call for action: John F. Kerry

Former Secretary of State, U.S.

Scene-setter: Enric Sala

Explorer in Residence, National Geographic Society

Keynote: Wallace Cosgrow

Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Seychelles

Keynote: Victor Harison

AU Commissioner for Economic Affairs

Panelist: Michael Pintard

Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, Bahamas

Panelist: Marco Lambertini

Director General, WWF International

Panelist: Diva Amon

Deep-sea biologist, Natural History Museum, London

Panelist: Vladimir Ryabinin

Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO

Statement: Yohei Sasakawa

Chairman of The Nippon Foundation

Panelist: Martha Delgado Peralta

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mexico

Panelist: Matts Johansen

CEO Aker Biomarine

Panelist: Afroz Shah

Date with the Ocean

Youth Leadership Summit: Daniela V. Fernandez

CEO, Sustainable Ocean Alliance

to 16.00

Closing and handover ceremony

Ine Eriksen Søreide

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway

HE Tommy Esang Remengesau Jr.

President of Palau and co-chair of the High Level Panel on Sustainable Ocean Economy

Please note that the program is subject to change, and will be updated continuously up to the conference.