Our Ocean 2019 – Logo

Welcome to Our Ocean 2019

Oslo 23–24 October 2019

Commitments 2019 View Report of 2019
  • Learning
  • Sharing
  • Acting
Photographer: Jon Heggstad

Our Ocean 2019

Our future depends on a clean and healthy ocean, where protection and sustainable use go hand in hand. The ocean is under threat from the effects of climate change, pollution, loss of biodiversity and unsustainable use. Safeguarding the ocean for future generations is a shared responsibility and a matter of global urgency.

At Our Ocean 2019 we will highlight the importance of knowledge as the basis of our actions and policies to ensure protection of our ocean, responsible management of marine resources and sustainable future economic growth.

The conference will bring together leaders from governments, businesses, civil society and research institutions to share their experience, identify solutions and commit to action for a clean, healthy and productive ocean.

Mission: The conference will build partnerships between government, industry, science and civil society, putting knowledge, technology and finance into action to meet the challenges facing the ocean and enable production and sustainable use to go hand in hand so that the ocean can continue to provide for the needs of future generations.

Vision: A conference to learn, share and act for a clean, healthy and productive ocean.

Summary Our Ocean 2019

This is the host’s summary of the conference, and the host is solely responsible for the content

Areas of action

The ocean is essential to life on earth. For humans, it provides food, jobs, energy and communication highways. It helps regulate our climate, controls weather patterns and produces oxygen for us to breathe. However, today the ocean is under threat from the effects of climate change, over-fishing, pollution and loss of biodiversity. The Our Ocean conferences are designed to spur significant and meaningful actions to restore the regenerative powers of the ocean so that it can continue to provide for the needs of future generations.


At the core of the Our Ocean conferences are voluntary commitments for significant and meaningful actions towards a clean, healthy and productive ocean. Previous conferences have resulted in nearly one thousand commitments. Governments, organisations and businesses are encouraged to announce new and far-reaching actions to the best of our ocean at this year’s conference. Commitments should have significant impact, be measurable and have a clear timeframe.

Welcome to Oslo

Registration: by invitation only.